There is a fundamental difference between not drinking and living sober. The former is tough because you focus on being deprived. You feel left out because you are no longer able to carry on with past behaviour. You are likely also resentful of others who are trying to impose change upon you and you may be jealous of those who don’t seem to suffer with the same problems as you do.
It might be a choice you have made not to drink. But it often doesn’t really feel like a free choice. In a sense, I chose not to drink any more when I was stricken down by panic attacks that were clearly brought on by “alcohol abuse disorder”. I made the connection and I was desperate to get well. It felt like the choice was imposed on me, however, because there was no alternative.
If you adopt this attitude, then recovery is going to be very challenging and, indeed, will likely not be sustained. That is because you are viewing not drinking as a burden, almost as a form of punishment. It’s something to get through, a bit like Dry January. Of course, as we know, even regular drinkers find Dry January to be a challenge. Imagine how much harder it is for somebody who has become psychologically and perhaps physically dependent on alcohol.
I imagine that much the same feelings would be experienced by anybody suffering from "lack" of something or having to undergo a fundamental change in behaviour and lifestyle. It’s easy to think of examples. These might include physical disability, life changing illness or whatever. Those who cope best accept their circumstances and the need for a change in lifestyle.
Living Sober is different from simply not drinking. It’s a commitment to living one’s life differently. It’s about attitude, commitment, habit, practice and who you mix with. The chances of sustained recovery are far greater if you can bring about meaningful changes in your life rather than adopting an attitude that not drinking is a burden that deprives you in some way.
In the early stages of recovery, the lessons have not been fully learned. We are surrounded by temptation and vulnerable to relapse. It’s very tempting to think that we are well again, we’ve demonstrated that we can stay dry for a period of time, and that this shows we have the problem under control.
The question facing every addict is – do you really want to get better?
Does being sober mean not drinking at all?
Living Sober requires a change in belief and practice. I was reminded of this when I watched Smashed (2012). This is about a young couple living a hedonistic lifestyle. The character played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead spirals out of control. When she leaves rehab, she is surrounded by the same former temptations, people in her life and so on. She comes to realise that her recovery is at risk unless she makes fundamental changes to her life.
The point of this story is that recovery is at risk without a fundamental change in attitude to life. Abstinence is tough enough when viewed through the lens of an imposition. The first lesson is to let go of attachments and be more accepting of self and others. Fundamentally there is a need to be comfortable in one’s own skin – to be able to sit still.
The second fundamental lesson is about the challenges we face when living sober. Others don't get it – they are not living in your shoes. You may need to move on. It’s a life commitment – not necessarily as the seemingly impossible task of “for life” but in terms of how you live your life. This is not about forgoing pleasure and wearing a hair shirt. It’s about a reorientation of life.
What is considered sober?
Living Sober is more than just not drinking or controlled drinking – it’s about finding a new sense of hope and purpose in life, new practises, and new sources of enjoyment in a community that shares your outlook on life.
Some people talk about the “gift of sobriety” – accept the gift and the transformation it brings on your path to recovery.
What is living without alcohol called?
Living without alcohol is called or can be categorised into two separate groups:
Living sober – this refers to refraining from consuming alcohol due to past dependence; those who ‘live sober’ are usually previous alcoholics who have since quit and have embraced a new way of living: being sober.
Teetotalism – the practice of abstaining from consuming alcohol, often due to religious, medical, philosophical, political, or health reasons.
As you can see, living sober is not exactly the same as simply not drinking.
Will it be a problem if I stop drinking?
To stop drinking can feel like you are denying yourself a basic human privilege, especially if you have stopped drinking due to past alcohol misuse. It is important to consider the following question before even attempting to go cold turkey: is not drinking a problem for you?
If you can confidently say ‘No’, then you are unlikely to run into any issues living without alcohol. However, if you are unsure or a resounding ‘Yes’, then it is crucial to remember that while living without alcohol is certainly healthier, it can also be challenging.
In fact, there are many side effects of being sober that could affect your personal life:
Losing friends – it’s inevitable that you will lose friends once you go sober, but this is often because they weren’t exactly your true ‘friends’ to begin with. If you can’t hang out with them sober and vice versa, then it’s a good thing that the friendship has come to an end. After all, what’s the point of having friends if you can only tolerate them when you’re intoxicated?
No invites – once people know that you’re sober or that you no longer drink, it’s likely that they’ll stop inviting you to gatherings or events where drinking is the norm. Although this may be done on your behalf (they might think you’ll find it boring), you’ll probably feel left out and disappointed.
You’ll change – you’re not the same person without alcohol, and that’s a fact. However, this doesn’t necessarily make it a bad thing—alcohol can bring out the worst in people, so in some cases, your better self is the person that you are without alcohol. Nonetheless, the change can be difficult to deal with, especially if you’ve relied on alcohol for a long period of time.
Remember—to drink or not to drink are both choices that you can make. Drinking is not the default. While alcohol can be enjoyed in moderation, it’s essential that you know and understand the line between enjoyment and dependence.
Is sober only for alcohol?
Being sober doesn’t only relate to alcohol. Although the term itself can simply refer to being ‘not drunk’, it can also be associated with living ‘clean’. The practice of being sober refers to abstaining from addictive substances such as alcohol, drugs, and others. Sobriety encompasses a variety of different aspects that contribute to being sober as a whole.
Emotional Sobriety
A key factor to being sober is emotional sobriety. This involves addressing the root issues of your dependence. Meanwhile, those who haven’t fully grasped the root causes of their alcohol dependence are described as ‘dry drunk’. Those who are ‘dry drunk’ experience symptoms such as:
Trouble sleeping
Feelings of resentment
Mood swings
By achieving emotional sobriety, you’re able to maintain your self-control, having identified your triggers and developed effective coping skills to counteract them.
The OAD Clinic offers a number of programmes – including alcohol detoxification– that can help you fight your alcohol addiction, no matter what stage you are at with your recovery. For more information and advice on quitting alcohol and living sober, contact The OAD Clinic.